
Gonorrhea symptoms in eyes
Gonorrhea symptoms in eyes

gonorrhea symptoms in eyes

Gonorrhea is a highly contagious infection, in 99% has a sexual way of transmission. With some symptoms of gonorrhea, which are difficult to spot, patients aggravate the course of their illness and spread the infection further without knowing it. Circulating throughout the body they can cause damage to joints, sometimes gonococcal endocarditis and meningitis, bacteremia, severe septic conditions. The danger of complications of gonorrhea is very high - various genitourinary disorders (including sexual disorders), infertility in men and women. Gonorrhea is more common among young people 20 - 30 years old, but can occur at any age. Gonorrheic vaginitis almost does not occur, since the flat epithelium of the vaginal mucosa is resistant to the effects of gonococci. Gonorrhea from the lower parts of the genitourinary system (urethra, periurethral glands, cervical canal) can spread to the upper (uterus and appendages, peritoneum). gonococcal conjunctival infection of the eyes (blenorrhea).gonorrhea of the musculoskeletal system (gonarthritis).

gonorrhea symptoms in eyes

  • gonorrhea of the anorectal region (gonococcal proctitis).
  • Several types of gonococcal infection are distinguished by the location of lesion: Untreated gonorrhea in women and men causes inflammation of the pelvic organs, leading to infertility Gonorrhea in pregnant women leads to infection of a child during childbirth. If the pharynx is affected, a throat and tonsils are inflamed. Gonorrhea is characterized by mucous and purulent discharge from the urethra or vagina, pain and discomfort during urination, itching and discharge from the anus. They can be located on the surface of cells and intracellularly (in leukocytes, trichomonads, epithelial cells), can form L-forms (not sensitive to the effects of drugs and antibodies). Gonococci mainly affect the mucous membranes of organs with cylindrical and glandular epithelium. Gonococci quickly die in special conditions (when heated, dried, treated with antiseptics or in direct sunlight).

    Gonorrhea symptoms in eyes